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Boss Ropes (formerly Starbii jump ropes) is our contribution to a sport and culture we love, CrossFit. It began with a simple pursuit- create a jump rope that is really cool and that works really well.

Our ropes are simplistic in design and efficient in performance. Something we wanted to provide to CrossFitters is the ability to create stylish motifs, stand out, and be unique; all while being able to perform at a Games level competition. We want athletes to not only see the difference, but also feel the difference.

Boss Rope (Blue)


Boss Rope (Blue)

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Boss Rope (Blue)


Boss Rope (Blue)

6" light weight comfortable grip handles with fast ball bearings
1*19 stainless steel braided black coated cable
1*19 stainless steel braided uncoated cable
Grommets, Allen Wrench, and Instructions

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